Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4th 1714

In my mind I know this seems like strange thing to write in this dairy, but I think my life has changed for the better from another's loss. Today was calm, much like that horrible day so long ago, and like that day it turned bad. I couldn't help myself. I went to the surface to watch the lightening and rain. It helped numb me until I saw a ship caught in the waves. My heart caught in my throat as I watched the men fall to their deaths. As I watched I noticed one man fall back, tripping over the ship's rail, and another try helping him but failing. The man who fell hit the water hard and immediately began to sink. Something in me couldn't let him die. The others didn't move me in any way, but for some reason this one lanky pirate made me long to be near him.

I ducked under the water and grabbed a hold of his hand. I caught a glimpse of his hazel eyes before they closed. Before anything else could happen I noticed a glimmer in the water and also grabbed it. Realizing it was a watch I placed it in my mouth and continued with what I was doing. Wrapping my arms under his arms and around his chest I pulled him to the surface so he could breath. I easily swam with him for a while, bringing him to the cave so he'd be safe. But once we were only a few good body lengths away I started to feel tired. I was grateful when I plunged his nose and dove under the water to enter the mouth of the cave near the bottom of a shallow ledge.

Once we were in the cave I pushed him up on the bank, but sadly I was to tired to move his whole body out of the water. Now I'm just waiting for him to wake and messing with the pocket watch that fell off of his body earlier. I now have a way to tell time and something about that made my heart light. I don't want to just show myself to him, but I do want to see those eyes again. But I must go. He is stirring and he shall not see me quite yet.


Robert's Story